Prof.Dan Zhang.jpg Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HKSAR, China |
Keynote Lecture: TBA Abstract:TBA Biography: Professor Dan Zhang is a Chair Professor of Intelligent Robotics and Automation, and Director of Consortium for Intelligent Robotics Research at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Laval University, Canada in 2000. He joined Ontario Tech University (OTU), Canada, as Assistant Professor in 2004 and was promoted to Associate Professor and Professor in 2006 and 2011 respectively. During the appointment period in OTU, he also served as Founding Chair in the Department of Automotive, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (2012 – 2014) and was awarded the Canada Research Chair in Advanced Robotics and Automation (2009 – 2015). Since 2016, he transferred to York University, Canada as a Kaneff Professor and also took up the role of Department Chair in the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 2016 to 2018. Thereafter, he was awarded the Tier 1 York Research Chair in Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics in 2017. |
Prof. Shaoping Bai Aalborg University, Denmark |
Keynote Lecture: Human-robot interaction design, sensing and control in wearable exoskeletons Abstract: Wearable exoskeleton technologies are being advanced rapidly for broad applications. As a very typical system of human-robot interaction, the exoskeletons interaction with human users at all levels, including kinematic, physiological and cognatic levels, which requires theoretical and technological breakthroughs in biomechanical modeling, compliant actuation, human motion sensing and interaction control. This talk will provide a brief overview of wearable technology development at the Exoskeleton Lab, Aalborg University, addressing the research challenges in human-exoskeleton interaction. Novel designs, biomechanical simulations and sensing/control methods will be presented, along with application examples covering upper-limb, upper-limb, and hand exoskeletons. Biography: Prof. Shaoping Bai is a full professor at the Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark and the founder of AAU startup BioX ApS. His research interests include wearable sensors, medical and assistive robots, and exoskeletons. He leads several national and international research projects in exoskeletons, including EU AXO-SUIT and IFD Grand Solutions project EXO-AIDER, and Danish Independent Research Council project VIEXO, among others. He is a recipient of IEEE CIS-RAM 2017 Best Paper Award, IFToMM MEDER 2018 Best Application Paper Award, WearRAcon2018 Grand Prize of Innovation Challenges, and 2023 IFToMM MESROB Best Student Paper Award. Prof. Bai was an associate editor of ASME J. of Mechanisms and Robotics, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, and MDPI Machines. He serves as an Executive Council member of the IFToMM and also a deputy chair of IFToMM Denmark. |
Assoc. Prof. Xiaofeng Xiong University of Southern Denmark, Denmark |
Invited Lecture: Reverse-engineering biological movement control Abstract:The ability to interact physically with complex environments is a hallmark of animals and humans, such as insect navigation and human manipulation (of flexible tools, e.g., whips). How they handle neural, muscle, and tool complexities is an interesting question, where robotics and computational neuroscience can mutually benefit from. In this talk, I will present how robots and neuromechanical models that can be used to provide novel hypotheses for insect navigation, human arm swings, and human manipulation of whips. It shows a way from machines for (uncovering) biological intelligence. Another way from biological to machine intelligence will be presented in insect-like walking and wearable robots (e.g., low-limb exoskeletons). Biography: Xiaofeng Xiong, Associate Professor at Biorobotics Section, University of Southern Denmark (SDU). He has a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, University of Göttingen, Germany. After Ph.D., he was a postdoc in Göttingen medical center and Hamburg University, respectively. His research focuses on bio-inspired robot control, neuromechanical modeling and control, variable impedance control, wearable robotics, and robot-inspired biology. The research results have been published in IEEE Trans. Cybernetics, Industrial Electronics, and Neural Networks, as well as awarded 4 international prizes such as Robot Innovation Award. He is a PI of two EU, six Danish and Nordic grants, and an Associate Editor and Editorial member of the journals Adaptive Behavior, Industrial Robot and conference IEEE RoboSoft 2023. |
Prof. Ning Xi IEEE Fellow The University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China
Prof. Michael Y. Wang ASME,HKIE, IEEE Fellow Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HKSAR, China |
Prof. Makoto Iwasaki IEEE, IEEJ, JSPE Fellow Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Fuchun Sun Tsinghua University, China
Prof.Jianwei Zhang Universität Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Shane Xie University of Leeds, UK |
Prof. Zhengtao Ding University of Manchester, UK
Prof. Zhidong Wang Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Sean B. Andersson Boston University, USA
Prof. Fumin Zhang Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof. Valentina Emilia Balas Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania |
Prof. Qingshan Liu Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China |
Prof. Guoqiang Hu Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |